iPhone X deactivate - so it is possible
If your iPhone X is deactivated, you can no longer use it. The deactivation of the device usually only occurs if you have entered the used unlock code incorrectly too often. Whether it is also possible to deactivate your iPhone X yourself, you can find out here.
This is how disabling iPhone X is possible
Imphone X will always be automatically disabled if you entered the PIN code to unlock the device incorrectly too many times. Depending on how many times you have already entered the unlock code incorrectly, however, your iPhone X is only temporarily deactivated.- The waiting time until the deactivation of the iPhone X is canceled again, thereby varying between 1 minute and 60 minutes.
- Only from the tenth incorrect entry of the PIN code, your iPhone X is permanently deactivated and must be activated using iTunes.
- So if you really want to deactivate your iPhone X yourself, you have to enter the unlock code of the device ten times incorrectly.
- However, this procedure is not recommended, because in a possible later reactivation all data will be deleted from the device.