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Destiny: Farming light particles - with these methods it works

In the first part of Destiny you need light particles to exchange them for important items and equipment. If you do not have enough of them, then it may be necessary to farm them extensively first. For this, you have several options to choose from to get the particles.

How to farm light particles in Destiny

With light particles you can buy items and other items in Destiny. If you have not collected enough particles for this, you have several options with which you can farm them.
  • With the help of public events, it is possible to get the light particles faster. If you complete at least one event per day with your character and also reach the gold level, you will receive five light particles. You can do this with all characters.
  • Complete more gold-level public events on the same day to get at least three light particles per event.
  • Public events can be found all over the planet. However, since they are subject to fixed schedules, they are not difficult to find. Sie können an daran teilnehmen, indem Sie den entsprechenden Aktionsbereich betreten.
  • Auf diversen Webseiten finden Sie zudem einen Plan, wann welche Events stattfinden werden.
  • Die Lichtpartikel können Sie anschließend dafür verwenden, um, Ihre Ausrüstung zu leveln und Ihren Ruf bei den verschiedenen Fraktionen zu stärken.

By Noni

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