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iPhone X: No network - what can you do now?

It is not uncommon that you have no reception with your iPhone anymore. In this case, you will see the message "No network" or "Searching" at the top right of the display. Of course, you want to be reachable again and should therefore follow the following steps carefully.

iPhone X: No network - this is how the circumstance can arise

The fact that you are currently not connected to any mobile network can have different causes. First, it is important to determine the source of the error.
  1. Generally, you are connected to a mobile network in most places you visit.
  2. That a connection breaks off, has in a few cases to do with the network operator and is mostly due to your environment.
  3. In tunnels or buildings that are below ground, you rarely have reception.
  4. This is simply because no cell tower can reach you and the smartphone therefore connects to no network.
  5. Also, there are often individual areas in the countryside or on the highway, in which no mast can sufficiently forward a signal to you.

iPhone X: No network - what you can do

  1. Generally, it can help to restart the device first.
  2. Überprüfen Sie außerdem, ob der Flugmodus aktuell aktiv ist.
  3. Sollten Sie sich im Ausland befinden, aktivieren Sie unbedingt das Datenroaming unter „Einstellungen“ > „Mobilfunk“ und „Datenoptionen“.
  4. Aktualisieren Sie zudem immer Ihr Betriebssystem auf die neuste Version.

By Marino Dishner

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