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GIMP: Restore toolbox

GIMP represents a free alternative to programs such as Photoshop. In doing so, the software provides many useful functions that you can find via different buttons. If your user interface suddenly lacks the toolbox, you can quickly restore it.

How to restore your toolbox in GIMP

GIMP is free of charge, which makes it one of the most popular alternatives to paid image editors. If your toolbox has disappeared from the user interface, this may be because the docks have been hidden or you have removed it via "Close".
  1. When you press the Tab key, it may happen that the docks are hidden.
  2. You can either press the key again or use the "Window" > "Hide docks" option to show them again. If the disappearance of the toolbox was due to this option, it will now be displayed again.
  3. If you pressed "Close" instead, you have to proceed differently.
  4. To do this, go to the tab "Window" in the main window of the program.
  5. Then select the option "Recently closed docks" with the mouse.
  6. Hier finden Sie den „Werkzeugkasten“, den Sie mithilfe eines Klicks auf den Namen wiederherstellen.
  7. Wenn der Werkzeugkasten auch hier nicht auffindbar ist, dann klicken Sie weiter unten auf „Neuer Werkzeugkasten“, um ihn Ihrer Benutzeroberfläche hinzuzufügen.
  8. Jetzt ist er wieder auf Ihrer Benutzeroberfläche zu finden.

By Doty

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