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Enable Alexa Drop In - how to set it up

In order to use your Echo devices as a hands-free device, you should enable and set up Alexa Drop In. If your friends or family members are also authorized, they will be able to text you or call you via Drop In.

Add contacts for Drop In

Before you can also enable the feature for your friends or family members, you need to add them to your Alexa contact list.
  1. Open the Alexa app and tap the "Contacts" button. You will now be shown all existing contacts.
  2. Then go to "Create new contact" to add a new contact to your list. Enter all the important data of your contact.
  3. Finally save your entry. You can now activate the feature with your friends.

Enable Alexa Drop In for Friends

Before using the feature, you need to activate it on your own device.
  1. To do this, first go to the Alexa app on your mobile device.
  2. Now tap the speech bubble icon at the bottom and clearly say "Alexa, show me my contacts".
  3. Entscheiden Sie sich anschließend für die Kontakte, welche ebenfalls Zugriff auf Ihr Gerät haben dürfen.
  4. Abschließend schieben Sie den Regler beim Eintrag „Kontakt kann Drop In jederzeit ausführen“ nach rechts, um die Funktion für den jeweiligen Kontakt zu aktivieren.

By Mureil Fanslow

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