HOME > Gaming > Mhw Iceborne: New Headquarters - This Is Seliana

MHW Iceborne: New headquarters - this is Seliana

In Monster Hunter World you return to Astera after each hunt. In Iceborne, the ship has been given a successor, namely Seliana. We introduce the new hub.

Thoughtfully, Seliana is the new Astera - and that's a good thing.

Seliana has a wintry design to match Iceborne's basic theme. Behind the snowy backdrop, however, a clever concept awaits.

Iceborne: That's why Seliana is a clear step up from Astera

In designing Seliana, Capcom obviously listened to the community. The criticisms regarding Astera served as a basis:
  • In Seliana, short distances are the order of the day. The most important places such as forge, mission board, canteen, botanist and quest giver are arranged almost circular and not far from each other.
  • This eliminates all trips with elevators - these are in Seliana namely no longer exist.
  • As a result, mods are no longer necessary to optimize the paths, as was still the case in the main game (in the PC version).
  • Also the new meeting place can be seen. The large, covered hall contains hot baths, where new gimmicks to pass the time are possible.
Compared to Astera, Seliana is thus much more efficient in terms of all your errands. With the steam plant, there is also an innovative new feature that regularly offers itself as a sideline. Logically, to be able to see Seliana, you need to have the Iceborne expansion.

By Brena Grivetti

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