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CoD MW: Firefight explained - here's how the fast mode works

Firefight is fast and exciting. The mode is very different from most other modes in Modern Warfare, yet it is still very popular. We explain the rules and how it works.

Fire at will: speed, reflexes, tactics and weapon skills are in demand in Firefight.

Modern Warfare has a lot of multiplayer modes in the bag. Firefight clearly stands out from this crowd.

CoD MW: Firefight for two-player teams

Here's the most important info on Firefight:
  • Firefight is a 2-vs-2 mode.
  • Victory is played according to the last-man standing principle, revives are consequently not available.
  • Players do not have a free choice of weapons: Each round, all players get the same random setup. With this they must play two rounds each.
  • A round lasts only 40 seconds, then 10 seconds are left to capture a flag. If this does not happen, the team with the higher health wins.
  • It wins the team that first wins six victories. Thus, there is a maximum of eleven rounds.
Because the cards are very small, the gameplay in the firefight is very intense - and exactly why so appealing. Das Spiel mit einem festen Partner, im Idealfall mit Voice-Kommunikation, ist in diesem Modus besonders vorteilhaft, um sich abzusprechen und über den Gegner zu informieren.

By Chambers Fratta

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