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CoD Modern Warfare: This is the Hardcore mode - all info

As if there wasn't enough action in Modern Warfare, there is also the Hardcore mode. Our guide explains who may feel addressed by it and what features are there.

Harder is always possible: if normal PVP is not enough, the hardcore mode could help.

The hardcore mode is available exclusively for multiplayer games.

Modern Warfare: Hardcore mode for demanding players

Difficult conditions apply in Hardcore mode:
  • The HUD is greatly reduced, you have hardly any information regarding the gameplay and your equipment.
  • Hits have a much stronger effect - as a result, you die faster.
  • In addition, there is friendly fire: teammates can hurt each other.
This makes the game much more challenging, as you have to proceed more cautiously and pay attention to more things, while at the same time you know less about the battlefield. This realism is tempting for many players.You can access the Hardcore mode via filters for "Fast Game". You can recognize the hardcore modes by the addition "HC", for example HC Team Deathmatch or HC Domination.

By Byram Siegle

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