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CoD Modern Warfare: How much game time does the campaign offer?

Today's shooters focus primarily on online play. With numerous modes, permanent employment is provided there. Nevertheless, Modern Warfare once again features a solo campaign.

Short and crisp: You'll spend less than ten hours in Modern Warfare's campaign.

Thanks to the level and weapon upgrade system, Modern Warfare can provide long-term motivation. But what about the playing time in the campaign?

CoD Modern Warfare: You can count on this playing time

On the playing time of the campaign you should know the following:
  • The length of the campaign is given with a playing time of five to six hours.
  • However, this depends on factors such as the difficulty level and the speed resp. the skill of the player.
  • On higher difficulty levels, especially inexperienced players will thus need significantly longer.
  • In addition, the campaign was deliberately designed so that multiple runs make sense.
Despite this, the solo mode is still not the core of Modern Warfare. You will find this in online games, whose modes offer enough variety for well over 50 hours - often even significantly more.Your own total playing time is also visible, by the way: Go to the "Quarters" and run the cursor over "Dossier" to see your hours.

By Henleigh Escalero

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