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ALDI TALK: Current malfunction - helpful tips

If you are using a SIM card from ALDI TALK in your smartphone and cannot make calls or surf the Internet with it, this may be due to a malfunction. How to find out if there is a current fault at ALDI TALK, we show you here.

How to find out if there is a current fault with ALDI TALK

If you have a prepaid tariff from ALDI TALK, faults can sometimes occur. Since ALDI TALK shares the network of E-Plus, you can contact the customer support of E-Plus in case of problems. Before doing so, however, it is advisable to check whether there really is a fault with ALDI TALK or whether the problem lies with you. To find out whether there are currently problems with ALDI TALK, visit the website "allestoerungen.de". If there are already reports from other users here, the only thing that helps for now is to wait until the problem has been fixed by the provider.

ALDI TALK Current malfunction: These tips help

Have you found out by searching the Internet that there is currently no malfunction at ALDI TALK, the following steps will help you find out the cause why you have no network on your smartphone.
  1. Try it first with a restart of your smartphone to clear the buffer. Schalten Sie das Gerät hierfür wie gewohnt aus und anschließend wieder ein.
  2. Hilft eine Neustart des Geräts nicht, entnehmen Sie die SIM-Karte von ALDI TALK bitte und säubern Sie diese mit einem Mikrofaser-Tuch.
  3. Legen Sie die SIM-Karte testweise ebenfalls in ein anderes Smartphone ein, um zu prüfen, ob diese dort funktioniert. Ist das nicht der Fall, ist die Karte vermutlich defekt und Sie benötigen Ersatz.

By Christi

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