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Twitter: Download GIF - these options are available

Many tweets on Twitter receive funny GIFs. If you particularly like a GIF, you have the option of downloading it and saving it to your computer. Whether you need additional software for this and how to proceed correctly to download, we show you here.

How to download GIFs from the Twitter website

Having discovered a GIF on Twitter that you want to save, this is possible in a few steps. You don't need any additional software or an add-on for this, but can download the GIF file directly as an MP4 file. However, the file will then not be saved as a GIF, but as a video.
  1. To download a GIF, please click on the corresponding page in the upper right corner on the arrow pointing down.
  2. Thereupon a new window opens, in which you please mark the link to the tweet and copy it with the key combination "Ctrl" + "C".
  3. Afterwards open the website "downloadtwittervideo.com" and paste the copied link into the appropriate field.
  4. After that, click on the button "Download MP4" and save the GIF by right-clicking and selecting "Save target as...".

Twitter: How to convert the downloaded GIFs

Since the GIF is not saved as a GIF file but as an MP4 file using the procedure described above, it is necessary to convert the file back after the download. This can be done, for example, on the page "ezgif.com/video-to-gif", where you can upload the MP4 file from your computer so that it can be converted back to GIF format.

By Edgard

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