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Download GIF - how it works

A GIF is an animation that usually repeats continuously and has no sound. By now, you can find this format on numerous websites. If you want to share the GIF or save it on your computer for some other reason, you can download it.

How to download a GIF from the Internet

Depending on the operating system you use, you have different options for downloading and saving a GIF to your device. You can save a GIF on Android, iOS and Windows.
  1. If you want to save the GIF on iOS, press and hold your finger on it until a context menu appears.
  2. Select the "Save image" option here. The GIF is now saved under photos on the device. However, you will only see the animation when you send it, but not under Photos.
  3. If you are using an Android smartphone, you must also save the animation here via the context menu, which appears after a long press. About the app "Animated GIF Viewer" you can also view the GIF without sending it before.
  4. On Windows, you can usually open the appropriate context menu of the GIF by right-clicking. Je nach Webseite wird zudem ein „Download“-Button angeboten, um die Datei auf dem Gerät zu sichern. Beachten Sie dabei, dass Sie vor dem Sichern das Dateiformat „GIF“ auswählen.

By Serrano Griebling

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