HOME > Smart Devices > Alexa Light Switch - How To Control Lights By Voice

Alexa light switch - how to control lights by voice

Amazon's voice assistant Alexa helps you control many functions in your home by voice. In our article, we show you how to use Alexa as a light switch to control your lamps and bulbs, and what requirements must be met.

These are the conditions to use Alexa as a light switch

Amazon's voice assistant Alexa offers you various functions such as controlling music playback or managing your calendar. In addition, however, Alexa can also be used to control your smart home. For example, you can use Alexa as a kind of light switch to turn your lamps on and off. All you need is an Alexa device like the Echo Dot and a suitable lamp or bulb that is equipped with Wi-Fi. Alternatively, it is also possible to buy a WLAN socket, which you then connect to Alexa and operate.

Light Switch: How to activate the skill in the Alexa app

If you already have a suitable Alexa device and a lamp, bulb or socket, for example from Phillips Hue, it is necessary to set it up before the first use.
  1. To do this, open the Alexa app on your smartphone and navigate to "Add device" in the settings menu.
  2. Now select the type of device you want to connect and follow the further instructions on the screen.
  3. Then go to "Skills" in the opened Alexa app in the navigation area and search for the Alexa skill you need.
  4. To activate it, please tap on the option "Activate Skill" at the end.

By Dorris Carmel

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