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How do I get Firefox to the desktop?

If you are using the Firefox browser, you have many features at your disposal. However, since some updates, you can no longer drag tabs to the desktop to quickly access a web page. In addition, Firefox's desktop shortcut may have disappeared.

How to get Firefox back on the desktop

If you want to quickly access web pages or directly access the Firefox browser, then desktop shortcuts are a good option. In Firefox, you can't just drag tabs to the desktop to get a shortcut to a web page.
  1. Open Firefox and drag the browser a little smaller so you can see the desktop and the Firefox window.
  2. Now go to the desired website in the browser, from which you want to have a shortcut on the desktop.
  3. Now go with the mouse on top of the URL and hold down the mouse button.
  4. Then drag the mouse button pressed on your desktop and release it. Now a web page shortcut is created.

Firefox: Create desktop shortcut

If you want to access Firefox faster, then you can create a desktop shortcut. Das Icon des Browsers wird dann direkt angezeigt.
  1. Gehen Sie hierfür auf Ihrem Computer an den Ort, an dem Sie Firefox installiert haben.
  2. Klicken Sie mit der rechten Maustaste auf die ausführbare Datei des Browsers und wählen Sie „Verknüpfung anlegen“.
  3. Die Verknüpfung können Sie anschließend auf Ihren Desktop ziehen.

By Casimir

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