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Windows 10: Show desktop - how to get there

Windows as an operating system is kept quite dynamic. Navigation between individual folders and paths happens in parallel and can therefore be used without worry. You can also find the desktop at any time by using a key combination or the dedicated button.

Showing Windows 10 desktop: how easy it is

The desktop is the most basic part of navigation on your computer. Therefore, it goes without saying that you can easily get there.
  1. To get to the desktop, you need to close or minimize all open applications. The desktop is active by default and can be seen as a folder with a graphical interface.
  2. You can also cycle through active windows and applications by pressing [Alt] + [Shift]. Also your desktop is understood as an application.
  3. About the [Win] key you open your taskbar. On the right side, right at the edge of the screen, there is a small transparent button. By clicking it, you will be promoted to the desktop.
  4. By the key combination [Win] + [E] you open the Explorer. On the left side you will also find an entry to your desktop in the quick launch bar.

This you should note

  1. As you have already learned, the desktop is permanently active and also an application.
  2. Aus diesem Grund sollten Sie den Desktop stets aufgerÀumt halten, da das Laden der Inhalte eine Menge Zeit in Anspruch nehmen kann.
  3. Empfindliche Daten sollten dort ohnehin nicht abgelegt werden, da sie bei einem Fremdzugriff einfach gefunden werden.

By Blessington Leibman

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