HOME > Windows > Show Desktop Clock In Windows 7 - This Is How It Is Possible

Show desktop clock in Windows 7 - this is how it is possible

In the notification area of Windows 7 you can find a time display. This lets you know what time it is at any given moment. However, if you don't always want to click something to display the time, then you can also activate a desktop clock. This is permanently visible on your desktop.

How to display a desktop clock in Windows 7

Be aware that Windows 7 is no longer supported by Microsoft. It is therefore a good idea to upgrade to Windows 10. If you still want to use the operating system, click in the notification area under Windows 7 on the time display, then you will be shown a clock in a separate window. If you do not want to click on the display every time you want to see the clock, you can also set a desktop clock with the help of a gadget. So it is always visible on your desktop.
  1. Click on the bottom left of the "Windows" icon to open the Start menu.
  2. Then select the item "All Programs" and then the entry "gadget gallery".
  3. It opens a new window in which you will find various suggestions for applications. Click here on "Clock". Optionally, you can search for more applications using the search box at the top right. Dies ist auch dann möglich, wenn die Uhr beispielsweise nicht direkt angezeigt wird.
  4. Sobald Sie doppelt auf die Uhr geklickt haben, wird die Anwendung gestartet und die Uhr auf Ihrem Desktop angezeigt.
  5. Sie können diese zudem per Drag & Drop über den Schreibtisch ziehen.

By Terza Ramender

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