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Google Drive: view storage

With Google Drive you have a certain capacity of free storage at your disposal. In the service you can store all your files and access them from anywhere, as long as you are connected to the Internet. If you want to know how much storage is still free, you can view it.

How to view storage space in Google Drive

Google Drive is a free cloud service. All files associated with your Google account are stored here and can be viewed by you. By default, you are entitled to 15 GB of storage space. If you want more storage, this can be added via a paid subscription. To find out how much storage is still available to you in your Google Drive account, you can view the storage space.
  1. Go to the Google Drive website and log in with your account details.
  2. Now click on the "More Storage" button at the bottom left.
  3. You will now see a rough overview of the used storage space. On the left side you will see a pie chart and the associated data. On the right side, on the other hand, you will find information about the current maximum storage space and the possible subscriptions to increase it.
  4. Below the diagram you will find the option "View details". Klicken Sie auf diese, werden Ihnen alle Google Dienste angezeigt und der Speicherplatz, den diese verbrauchen.

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