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MHW Iceborne: PC release finally fixed - all info

The Monster Hunter World community is eagerly awaiting the first and only major expansion. But while console players can get started as early as September 6, 2019, PC owners will have to wait a little longer.

Bad news: Iceborne won't be coming to PCs until 2020.

That the PC release of Iceborne, as with the base game, would come a while after the console versions has been certain for months. Only the duration of the delay was not yet known.

MHW Iceborne: PC release no longer in 2019

Capcom's narrowing down for the PC release thus did not exactly provide good cheer:
  • The PC version will be released in January 2020.
  • The exact date has not yet been named, but provides further excitement, as winter is the hottest gaming time. So whether the release is on January 3 or not until January 30 makes a difference.
For PC gamers, that means starting at least four months later than the console community. With a release at the end of January 2020, it would even be almost five months. PC monster hunters must consequently be patient and strong, especially from September 6, when PlayStation 4 and Co. are allowed to explore the new world extensively.

By Brodie Jeanpierre

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