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Deleting formatting in Word - how to proceed

Sometimes it can happen that the formatting in Word gets mixed up and so a uniform appearance is no longer given. Then it is advisable to delete or reset the formatting to generate it again.

How to delete formatting in Word

Uniform formatting is exceedingly important not only for formal letters, so that an appealing and consistent overall appearance is given. Letters to friends and relatives or other written documents also make a better impression if the formatting in Word is consistent throughout the document. Should this not be the case, then you can reset the formatting with a few clicks or keyboard shortcuts back to the original state and thus reset the document.
  1. First, select either a section of text or your entire document from which you want to delete the formatting.
  2. For this, you can also conveniently use the shortcut combination consisting of "Ctrl" + "A".
  3. Now you can delete the formatting by clicking on "Default" in the menu bar at the top of the screen under "Styles".
  4. Once again, you can use a shortcut combination for convenience, where it is composed of "Ctrl" + "Shift" + "N".
  5. Nun ist Ihre Formatierung gelöscht beziehungsweise auf Standard zurückgesetzt, sodass Ihr Dokument wieder über ein einheitliches Gesamtbild verfügt, das Sie nun nach Belieben Ihren Bedürfnissen anpassen und verändern können.

By Daney Coxey

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