HOME > Components > Deleting Data Securely - This Is How You Proceed

Deleting data securely - this is how you proceed

When you reset a device to factory settings, it does not automatically mean that all data has been securely deleted. It merely sets the basic path of the file system to 0. This makes it look like all data has been deleted, but it is still on the memory.

How to delete data securely?

If you want to delete data completely and securely, you can do so in different ways. Most operating systems offer that the data is completely deleted, so the complete memory is set to 0. However, this has the disadvantage that the reset takes a lot of time. You also have the option of using free software. If you have a company, you are obliged to ensure that all data is properly deleted from the hard drives.
  1. In Windows 10, you have certain options to reset your hard drive. Download the tool CCleaner if you are using a HDD.
  2. On a Mac, it is best to open Spotlight search with "Command + Space" and open a terminal by typing "Terminal" into the search.
  3. Now navigate to the appropriate storage path and type "rm -RP <folder or file>". Mit dem Zusatz „-P“ gehen Sie sicher, dass der Speicher dreifach überschrieben wird.
  4. Es existieren mehrere Drittanbieter-Programme, die es Ihnen erlauben, die Daten auf einem Speichermedium richtig zu löschen. Nutzen Sie Beispielsweise das Sicher-löschen-Programm, das Ihnen erlaubt, alle Bits mehrfach zu überschreiben.

By Nikkie

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