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Apple Music: trial subscription - how to set it up

Through Apple Music it is possible to access the entire music library of iTunes. The process is carried out through a subscription. Specifically, this means that you pay a set amount each month and then use the service as you wish. Try the free trial subscription first.

Advantages of Apple Music trial subscription

There are many different music streaming providers. That's why it's convenient that many of them offer a trial subscription first to get familiar with the platform and its capabilities. While Spotify lets you share playlists with each other, Apple Music has the largest offering of all. Apple Music's trial subscription runs for a total of three months. You have to specify a valid payment method in advance and decide on a subscription. You can choose between the family offer and the standard subscription. However, there is also a student version that costs considerably less. After the three months, your account will then be debited for the first time.Note that you can only select the trial subscription if you have never subscribed to the service before.

How can you set up an Apple Music trial subscription?

To take out a trial subscription to Apple Music, first open the Apple Music app on your smartphone.
  1. Sollten Sie die App zum ersten Mal starten, sehen Sie dort ein Banner mit dem Schriftzug „3 Monate kostenlos“.
  2. Tippen Sie auf das Banner und wählen Sie als nächstes aus, ob Sie ein Einzel-Abo oder ein Familien-Abo möchten.
  3. Tippen Sie nun noch auf „Kostenlos testen“ und bestätigen Sie Ihre Angaben sowie den Start des Testzeitraums.

By Fishbein Geach

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