HOME > Windows > Allow Your Pc To Restart Automatically - Here's How To Do It

Allow your PC to restart automatically - here's how to do it

If you always put your PC in standby so that you can use the device immediately at any time, the device may slow down. Therefore, restarting the computer is essential. To avoid restarting when you need the PC, let Windows restart the PC automatically.

How to let your PC restart automatically

To prevent your PC from slowing down over time, restart it every now and then. If you don't have time for that, you can set Windows to automatically restart your computer at a certain time. You can use the Windows task scheduler for this feature.
  1. The first thing you need to do is create a batch file. Open Notepad on your computer for this.
  2. Now enter "shutdown /r/t (time)" without quotes here. Instead of (time) enter the desired time in seconds after which your PC should be restarted. If you enter 600 here, the PC will be rebooted after exactly 10 minutes.
  3. Save the file and enter "neustart.bat" as name. As file format, select "All Files".
  4. After that, open the "Task Scheduler" on your PC.
  5. Click "Action" > "Create Task".
  6. Enter "Restart" as name and enable "Run with highest privileges".
  7. Wählen Sie unter „Konfigurieren für“ das Betriebssystem aus.
  8. Bei „Trigger“ wählen Sie „Neu“ und legen den Zeitplan fest.
  9. Über „Aktionen“ > „Neu“ > „Programm starten“ laden Sie Ihre Batch-Datei hoch.
  10. Bestätigen Sie abschließend mit „Ok“.

By Sankey Tinder

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