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Outlook reading pane always disappears

In 2016, a buggy update caused Outlook's reading pane to always close automatically. In the meantime, the problem has been solved by new updates. Therefore, you can simply download the latest updates and should fix the problem that way. You can find updates in the settings of your Office account.

What to do if Outlook reading pane always disappears?

If Outlook reading pane keeps disappearing on its own, it is due to a faulty update. The problem first appeared in 2016 and had to be solved at that time by undoing the update. In the meantime, the problem has been fixed by new updates. Therefore, in order for the reading pane to be displayed permanently, it is sufficient to download and install the latest update. Updates can be downloaded via the account settings of your Office account. Even independently of the faulty display of the reading pane, it is advisable to regularly update programs such as Outlook. Updates often close security gaps that make your data vulnerable to attack. Da E-Mails sensible Informationen enthalten, sind Updates bei Mailprogrammen besonders wichtig.

So aktualisieren Sie Outlook

  1. Starten Sie Outlook.
  2. Wählen Sie oben links im Menü den Punkt „Datei“.
  3. Klicken Sie links auf „Office Account“
  4. Wählen Sie „Update-Optionen“.
  5. Klicken Sie auf „Jetzt aktualisieren“.
  6. Warten Sie, bis das Update vollständig heruntergeladen und installiert wurde.
  7. Eventuell müssen Sie das Programm oder den Computer neustarten, bevor Sie die aktualisierte Version von Outlook nutzen können.

By Reilly

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