Star Citizen: This is the Evocati status - all info
As a crowdfunding project, Star Citizen lived from the enthusiasm of the players from the beginning. Some space specialists stand out from the crowd in the process, and that can be rewarded with evocati status.
Establishment experts: evocati get early insights and provide feedback.
There are several ways to support the development of Star Citizen. In addition to buying ships, these include subscription models. As an Evocati, on the other hand, you only contribute time and attention.Star Citizen: Evocati by invitation only
Evocati can enjoy their exclusive status:- Evocati are a select group of players who are allowed to test new versions of Star Citizen even before the PTU.
- The role as a tester is deliberately in the foreground, quite the opposite of the PTU, in which players may be completely without specifications and obligations on the road.
- There is no fixed plannable path to Evocati status. Developer Cloud Imperium Games monitors and evaluates the activity of players in the PTU, just like the contributions in the "Issue Council".
- Based on this, CIG decides which players would bring real added value as Evocati. An invitation follows, which the player can accept.
- Money does not play a role in this case, even if the typical Evocati players have usually already invested a lot. Hier handelt es sich jedoch um eine Korrelation und nicht um Kausalität.