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Square brackets with Mac - this key combination helps

Most keyboards have a very similar format with the Windows, Alt and Ctrl keys. Some differ by having different positions of the keys. English keyboards have the letters Z and Y reversed. Mac keyboards, on the other hand, differ in many ways, which means that placing a bracket can already cause confusion.

How to set square brackets with the Mac

When you create a document or write something in a chat, different brackets can come into play. On a Mac keyboard, it's not always immediately obvious which keys you use to create certain characters. Also, square brackets are not drawn on the keys, so you cannot use them intuitively.
  1. To write the first square bracket, which is open to the right, you need two keys. Press and hold the "Option" key. On newer Apple keyboards, this key is also called "Alt".
  2. Then press the "5" once. Jetzt erscheint die erste Klammer in Ihrem Dokument.
  3. Möchten Sie die Klammer schließen, also die nach links offene eckige Klammer schreiben, müssen Sie ebenfalls die „Option“-Taste gedrückt halten.
  4. Anschließen drücken Sie einmalig die „6“, um die Klammer zu schreiben.
  5. Auch andere Klammern lassen sich mit dieser Kombination erzeugen. Allerdings unterscheiden sich die Zahlen, die Sie drücken müssen, von der gewünschten Klammer.

By Mosley

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