HOME > Components > Windows 7 Hard Disk Full, But Nothing On It: These Are The Reasons

Windows 7 hard disk full, but nothing on it: These are the reasons

If you have no or only a few files stored on a hard disk under Windows 7 and it is still displayed as full, various causes are possible. Often, a disk cleanup can already help, temporary files removed from the hard drive.

Hard drive full under Windows 7, but no data on it

Possible causes for a full hard drive under Windows 7, on which little or no data is stored, can be hidden files and folders. Often, these are temporary files that are created during various processes on the computer - for example, when you install programs or surf the Internet. The best way to remove these is with a disk cleanup. Formatting your hard drive usually fixes the problems, but also deletes all data. If important files are stored on the hard drive, copy them to another storage medium before formatting.

How to fix the causes

  1. Right-click on the hard drive and select "Properties"
  2. Click "Disk Cleanup".
  3. Wait until the process is complete. Dies kann einige Minuten dauern.
  4. Prüfen Sie, ob der Fehler behoben wurde.
  5. Ist die Festplatt noch fehlerhaft, klicken Sie wieder rechts und wählen Sie dann „Formatieren“.
  6. Bestätigen Sie den Befehl.
  7. Warten Sie, bis der Vorgang abgeschlossen ist.

By Magdalena Alosa

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