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What does Google Home do? You need to know

Meanwhile, Google also offers a voice assistant that helps you control various devices and functions by voice command. The Google Home is a smart home speaker. It also has a microphone that you can use to enter voice commands. You activate Google Home via the command "OK Google".

What you can expect from Google Home

Meanwhile, there are various voice assistants that make your everyday life easier. Among other things, smart speakers are used for this purpose. Google Home is also such a speaker.
  1. With Google Home, you can play music and control other smart home devices.
  2. You activate the voice assistant via "Ok Google". Via the integrated microphone, the device receives your commands and can then process them using various algorithms.
  3. If you have connected other devices to Google Home, it is possible to control them via voice commands as well.
  4. But before you can get started with the speaker, you must first connect it to a power source. Außerdem benötigen Sie die Google-Home-App, die es im entsprechenden App Store für iOS oder Android gibt.
  5. Das Smartphone und der Lautsprecher müssen sich im gleichen WLAN-Netzwerk befinden.
  6. Über die App können Sie nun andere Geräte mit dem Lautsprecher koppeln oder neue Sprachbefehle hinzufügen.
  7. Mit den passenden Apps können Sie zudem Termine abfragen und eintragen, Paketinformationen oder Flüge buchen. Die Funktionalität können Sie mit weiteren Apps erweitern.

By Mateo

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