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Creating an organizational chart with PowerPoint - how it works

In Microsoft PowerPoint you have the possibility to insert different graphics into your presentation. If you want to use an organization chart to show the hierarchical relationships of an organization or company, you can do so with the help of a SmartArt graphic.

How to create an organization chart in PowerPoint

As in the other programs of the Microsoft Office suite, you have the possibility to create charts and other graphics in PowerPoint. Follow these steps to insert an organization chart into your presentation:
  1. Start PowerPoint and open the presentation in which you want to create an organization chart.
  2. Click on "Insert" in the navigation and then on the "SmartArt" option in the ribbon.
  3. A new window will open with the title "Select SmartArt". Click on the "Hierarchy" menu item there.
  4. Now select one of the different organization charts from the overview.
  5. Click "OK" to insert the organization chart into the presentation.

Customize organization chart - this is how you proceed

Once you have created the organization chart, you can customize the content of the graphic and fill it with text.
  1. Using the text area, you have the option to customize both the content and the structure of the org chart.
  2. Alternatively, you can also click in the individual fields to enter text. Die Struktur lässt sich allerdings nur über den Textbereich bearbeiten.
  3. Wird der Textbereich nicht angezeigt, klicken Sie mit der linken Maustaste auf das Steuerelement am linken Rand der SmartArt-Grafik.

By Snowman

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