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Pokémon GO: Registeel - what's behind the Pokémon

In Pokémon GO, as in all Pokémon games, you will find numerous Pokémon that you can catch and train. Each of these Pokémon has different properties that you can make the most of in battles. This includes Registeel, which has special advantages and disadvantages.

This is what Registeel is good for in Pokémon GO

In the augmented reality game Pokémon GO, you can catch numerous different Pokémon, train them and then compete with them against other trainers. You can only get the Pokémon Registeel by swapping with other trainers or via a Raid.
  1. Registeel is, as the name suggests, a steel Pokémon with a catch chance of 2 percent.
  2. The escape chance with this Pokémon is 1 percent and the buddy distance is 20,000 km.
  3. The special thing about this Pokémon is that it cannot evolve from another. In addition, you can not evolve Registeel.
  4. As instant attacks Registeel can the metal claw (steel attack), the smasher (combat attack) and the target shot. Dabei handelt es sich um einen normalen Angriff.
  5. Die Lade-Attacken des Pokémon sind die Lichtkanone (Stahl-Attacke), der Hyperstrahl (Normale-Attacke) und der Fokusstoß (Kampf-Attacke).
  6. Besonders anfällig ist Registeel gegenüber Feuer-, Kampf- und Boden- Pokémon. Etwas weniger Schaden nimmt es dagegen bei normalen, Psycho-, Gestein-, Drachen-, Stahl-, Pflanze-, Eis-, Flug-, Käfer- und Fee-Pokémon.
  7. Die größten Vorteile hat Registeel gegenüber Gift-Pokémon.

By Tonnie Gebel

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