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Excel: Convert currency - here's how to convert

In Microsoft Excel, you have a variety of functions and formulas at your disposal that you can use to automate procedures and other tasks. Find out what options you have for converting currencies in Excel and what to keep in mind.

Convert with Excel - activate Euro currency tool

With the EUROCONVERT function you have the possibility in Excel to convert numbers into Euro or into another currency. In order to use the function, you must have the add-in "Eurocurrency tool" for Excel installed. If the add-in is not installed, Excel will give the message: "#NAME?" instead of a result when you apply the function.To install the Euro Currency Tool:
  1. Call up Excel's options.
  2. Click on the "Add-Ins" item in the overview.
  3. Select the option "Excel Add-Ins" at "Manage" and click on "Go..."
  4. Set the checkmark at "Euro Currency Tools" and confirm your change with "Ok".

Use the conversion function - this is how it works

After you have installed the currency add-in, you can now use the EUROCONVERT function. The syntax of the function looks like this:"=EUROCONVERT(Number;Source;Target;Full_Precision;Triangulation_Precision)".
  • The variable "Number" contains the number or cell with the number you want to convert.
  • For "Source" you have to enter an ISO code (International Standards Organization), so Excel knows which currency your number has.
  • Bei „Target“ geben Sie den ISO-Code der Währung ein, in die Ihr Ausgangswert umgewandelt werden soll.
  • „Full_Precision“ erfordert einen Wahrheitswert (Wahr oder Falsch), über den Sie die währungsspezifischen Rundungsregeln ein- oder ausschalten.
  • Bei „Triangulation_Precision“ geben Sie einen Wert größer oder gleich 3 an, der die Berechnungsgenauigkeit festlegt.

By Cohby Louthen

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