Speedport link is blinking: What does it mean?
The LEDs on your Speedport give you an indication of the current status of various services. If an LED is flashing continuously, there is a problem with the Internet. You probably don't currently have Internet in the house, and the WLAN isn't working either.
Speedport Link flashes: How to fix the problem
In many cases, the problem is temporary and is only local to you. With a few simple steps, you can quickly restore the Internet.- The easiest way is to simply restart the router and automatically fix the problem during the next boot process.
- To do this, disconnect the Speedport from the power supply and wait for about 30 seconds. During this period, various settings in the router reset and it can be restarted.
- If the LED continues to flash, chronologically remove all connected cables from the router and disconnect it from the power supply again.
- Before you reconnect the cables, give the Speedport power again.
The problem persists?
- Sollte auch weiterhin kein Internet vorhanden sein, überprüfen Sie das Telefonkabel auf mögliche Schäden oder tauschen Sie es aus.
- Sie können auch jederzeit den Kundendienst der Telekom kontaktieren und Ihr Problem schildern.
- Meistens kann bereits telefonisch das Problem gelöst werden, oder Sie bekommen einen neuen Router zugeschickt.