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Delete Excel Formatting: With these tips it works

If you have mistakenly inserted rules, formats or conditional formatting in your Excel spreadsheet that you didn't want, you can easily undo it. Excel offers several tools to quickly remove unwanted formatting and clean up the cells or even the entire worksheet.

If you have inserted incorrect rules or accidentally applied formats to cells that should remain unformatted, you can undo this with just a few clicks. To remove simple formats such as font color, background color and the like, simply proceed as follows:
  1. Open the Excel spreadsheet in which the format is to be deleted.

  2. Click in the cell where the format should be removed or select multiple cells.

  3. Switch to the "Start" tab if necessary and select "Delete" from the "Edit" menu.

  4. Now click on "Delete formats".

Delete rules and formatting

Conditional formatting can also display content differently in Excel. Do you want to cancel them, you can use the following functions:
  1. Open the Excel spreadsheet with the incorrect formatting.
  2. Now switch to the "Start" tab if necessary and select "Delete conditional formatting>Rules>Delete rules in the entire sheet.
  3. If you want to remove formatting only for individual cells, select them and then choose "Delete conditional formatting>Rules>Delete rules in selected cells".
If you want to proceed a little faster, you can also use the quick analysis magnifier:
  1. Mark the area where formatting should be removed.
  2. At the bottom right edge you will now find a table icon with a lightning bolt. Click on it.
  3. In the "Formatting" tab, finally select "Delete formatting".

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By Dionne

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