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Cancel WWE Network - this is how easy it works

Since 2016, you can also stream 1,000 hours of various wrestling powers and current events with WWE in Germany. But if you are no longer interested in the streaming service provider's content, you can simply cancel.

How to cancel WWE Network

Cancellation is very simple for you, as long as you have the login details for your account handy. Follow these steps:
  1. Open WWE Network on your PC and log in with your credentials. Now you need to click on the button that will redirect you to your account.
  2. Click on "Billing information regarding your account" and wait for a new window to open.
  3. You will now see your options and need to click on the "Cancel" button. You will be asked if you are sure.
  4. Once you have confirmed the process, you will receive a cancellation confirmation to your deposited email address.
  5. In the account itself, you can now see how long you still have access to your account.
  6. Be aware that the cancellation is always valid only to the end of the respective billing month.
You should also have your deposited payment information deleted. WWE Network keeps the data in case you want to reopen the account. However, so that you do not have to fear misuse of your data, you should have this data demonstrably deleted.

By Folberth Padillia

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