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Radeon: What does GPU scaling do? We explain

Among the numerous options and functions of the Radeon driver software, you will also find the entry "GPU scaling". Our guide explains what it is and what it does.

GPU scaling always thinks about your monitor's native resolution.

Resolution shouldn't be an issue under normal circumstances. Sometimes it is, though, and in that case GPU scaling can help.

Radeon: GPU scaling for native resolution

Here's what you should know about GPU scaling:
  • GPU scaling ensures that all applications run at your monitor's native resolution.
  • For most applications, the setting is not noticeable because application and monitor resolutions are usually the same.
  • However, if there are differences, the display device resolution is forced. For example, if you use a 1080p monitor and start an old game with 1,024 x 768 pixels, they will be scaled to 1080p.
  • Different modes are possible, depending on whether you want to keep the aspect ratio or if you want to stretch the image to the entire display area.
Enabling GPU scaling, which is not turned on by default, is quite simple: go to the "Display" section in the driver software - there you will find "GPU scaling" and can enable it.

By Orland

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