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What is a Smart TV device? What's behind it

With a TV, you can access television programs via satellite or cable. If you would like your TV to offer more features, then a Smart TV device can help with that. This is a TV with which you can go on the Internet and on which you can install various apps.

What is a Smart TV

Nowadays there are various smart devices that you can connect to the Internet. This is also the case with the smart version of the TV. The models are offered by numerous manufacturers and are hard to imagine most households without them.
  1. You can connect a smart TV to the Internet either via an Ethernet cable or via WLAN. Also, the connection with streaming devices is usually no problem.
  2. About the Internet connection, it is also possible to download and install apps. With the help of these applications, you can then use the services of streaming providers such as Netflix or Maxdome.
  3. Smart TVs usually have numerous ports, such as USB, HDMI, Ethernet, and usually also include a memory card.
  4. Some manufacturers also offer games for the smart TV. Mithilfe eines leistungsfähigen Prozessors können Sie alle Anwendungen problemlos ausführen.
  5. Nicht alle Smart TVs bieten dabei DVB-C oder DVB-S, mit denen Sie über Kabel oder Satellit Fernseher können, da das Streamen der Fernsehprogramme übers Internet möglich ist. Die meisten Geräte besitzen die benötigen Anschlüsse jedoch immer noch.

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