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FIFA 21: This is how the drag back works now - all info

One of the best moves from FIFA 20 also appears in the successor. However, due to the innovations, the control is now different. Read how the Drag Back works in FIFA 21.

A move full of skill: The Drag Back is also very powerful in FIFA 21.

In the overview of the innovations of FIFA 21 we mentioned the revised dribbling system. This also affects the drag back.

FIFA 21: Agile dribbling provides new possibilities

With the drag back, the player changes direction in a flash and pulls the ball back in the process - in this way, numerous defenders straddle into nothing. To apply the effective move in FIFA 21, proceed as follows:
  1. Press LB + RT / L1 + L2 (Xbox / PlayStation controller) simultaneously.
  2. Then pull the left analog stick in the opposite direction to the previous running direction. This will pull the ball back with the foot.
  3. Then use the stick to specify the new running direction. Thereupon the player runs off.
The quick change of direction is also difficult to defend in FIFA 21. Per Drag Back you can even perform a rotation of 180 degrees. Thanks to the new Agile dribbling system, the Drag Back is also an option in very tight situations. Of course, in addition to your own skills, the quality of the player you use the move with is important. For example, a nimble technician like Lionel Messi is logically much better suited for it than a tall, heavy center back.

By Jarita

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