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Promote Facebook post - how to do it right

You've written the perfect post on Facebook and also added an ideal photo, but nothing happens for now after publication? Promote your post properly so it gets enough attention.

How to promote your Facebook post?

If you publish a post on Facebook and it doesn't get the attention you thought it would, there are a few screws you can turn.
  1. Don't use the "Promote Post" button. This basically provides you with the same function as the regular ad manager, but is more expensive.
  2. Choose the right campaign goal. You should be clear about the goal you want to achieve with the post. Is the goal to generate more traffic for your own website or do you want to get more newsletter subscribers? For newsletters the correct goal would be to get more posts and comments, for a website more likely more clicks.
  3. Create multiple ads: Create different ads and make sure you have the correct image. Das Bild ist der Aufhänger Ihrer Anzeige und bringt die Leute dazu, sich die Anzeige genauer anzuschauen.
  4. Definieren Sie Ihre Zielgruppe: Sie können Ihre Zielgruppe genau nach Alter, Geschlecht, Wohnort, Interesse und Verhalten definieren. Nutzen Sie diese Funktion, damit Ihre Anzeige genau die richtigen Leute erreicht.

By Lyall Gillson

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