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Link Facebook page in post - make connections

You want to post something on Facebook and link a specific page in your post? Then you can easily do that! This way your post will be more understandable and the other users will have the possibility to go directly to the page.

How to link a Facebook page in your post

If you want to draw attention to an issue or support a campaign, it is very helpful if you link the page directly.
  1. First open Facebook on your PC or the app on your smartphone.
  2. Now compose the post you want to publish. At the point where you want to link the page, first add an @.
  3. After the @ write the name of the page you want to link. Once you enter the initial letters, a list will appear.
  4. From this list, select the page you want to link. After that, publish your post and the corresponding page has been linked.
  5. If you click on the name of the website, you will now be taken to the page you linked.

This is what you should pay attention to

By linking a page, you also ensure that it is visited more often. This is especially helpful if you want to support fundraisers or similar projects. However, you should always be sure that you want to share the project and that it is serious.

By Seraphim Sunder

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