Valheim: Find and use iron - how to do it
Iron is in the ranking of materials in Valheim the increase to bronze. Accordingly, the resource becomes important at a certain point. Read in which area you will find it.
With iron will: You find iron in the swampland and can make many items from it.
The Iron Age follows the Bronze Age and affects your options in the game.Valheim: How to find iron
Bas a basic rule: iron is available in the swamp biome.- More precisely: you need to enter the crypts that are located there.
- For this, in turn, you need a special key. This you get from the second boss. The Ancient One is thus the prerequisite to be able to get iron.
- Inside the crypts you will find large piles of scrap iron, which you must mine with the pickaxe.
- After that, it continues as usual: In the furnace you convert scrap iron to iron ingots.
- The first iron ingot you pick up unlocks many new items, such as pieces of armor, arrows, weapons and tools made of iron.