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Windows 7: Open Control Panel - how to do it

The Control Panel allows you to make changes to the settings of the device on a computer running Windows 7. To learn how to properly open the Control Panel on Windows 7 and how it works on computers running newer versions of Windows, click here.

How to open the Control Panel on a Windows 7 PC

On Windows computers, the Control Panel is important for making various settings. There you not only have the possibility to add new devices, but you can also make changes to the design of your PC or view the Internet connection. How you get to the control panel, depends on the version of Windows that is installed on your computer.
  1. If you are using Windows 7, please first click on the "Windows button" in the taskbar to open the Start menu.
  2. In the menu, then navigate to the "Control Panel" entry and click on it to open the control panel.

How to open the Control Panel works under newer Windows versions

If you have already installed a newer version of Windows on your PC, such as Windows 8 or Windows 10, a different procedure is necessary to open the Control Panel.
  1. To open the Control Panel in Windows 10, please click on the Windows icon at the bottom left, enter the term "Control Panel" in the search box and click on the corresponding entry.
  2. In turn, Windows 8 users can get to the Control Panel specially designed for Windows 8 by moving the mouse to the left corner to open the charm bar and go to "Settings" > "PC Settings".

By Henryson

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