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Samsung Upday: Turn off notifications

If you own a Samsung smartphone, Upday will regularly inform you about the latest news and important breaking news. If you're not interested in Upday's notifications, however, you can turn off receiving them.

Turn off notifications: How Samsung Upday works

If you use a Samsung smartphone, you will receive regular notifications about important news from around the world thanks to Upday. If Upday is activated on your smartphone and the device is connected to the Internet, a second page is added to the home screen, which you can access by swiping to the right until the Upday screen appears. Here you can now see an overview of the latest news and can customize the displayed news to your personal interests under "My News".

Samsung Upday: How to turn off the notification function

If the constant notifications on your Samsung smartphone bother you and you no longer want to receive them, you can turn off the function directly in the Upday app.
  1. To do this, first open Upday by swiping left on the home screen of your Samsung smartphone.
  2. In the app, then tap the "three-dot icon" to open the Upday settings and select the "My Profile" option here.
  3. Scrollen Sie in Ihrem Profil ganz nach unten bis zum Eintrag „Benachrichtigungen“ und tippen Sie diesen an.
  4. Hier haben Sie nun die Möglichkeit, den Erhalt von Eilmeldungen und von persönlichen Benachrichtigungen auszuschalten. Verschieben Sie dazu einfach den Regler neben dem jeweiligen Eintrag nach links, sodass er grau unterlegt ist.

By Idolah Truden

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