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Pokémon GO: Berries - these advantages they bring you

In Pokémon GO, you go on a journey with your smartphone and catch various Pokémon, with which you in turn compete against other trainers in arenas. To get advantages, you need items. These include, as in other Pokémon games, the various types of berries.

This is how berries help you in Pokémon GO

If you want to progress faster in Pokémon, various items can help you do so. As in previous games, it is also possible to buy and find berries in Pokémon GO. These provide you with various advantages.
  1. You can find the Himmih berry in the PokéStop from level 8 or get it during a level-up or field research. With this berry, you can catch wild Pokémon more easily. It is also available as a golden version, which you can only get during field research and raid battles. This is already available from level 5 and offers the same advantages.
  2. In addition, as a gift, in the PokéStop and in the field research, you can get the Sananabeere from level 5. This grants you double bonbons when catching a wild Pokémon. The silver version of the berry lets you catch wild Pokémon more easily and also gives you double the amount of candies. However, you get this berry only from level 20.
  3. The nana berry is an item that you get in the PokéStop and in the field research. Sie bewirkt, dass sich ein wildes Pokémon beim Fangversuch langsamer bewegt.

By Rudd

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