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Find Outlook folder - these steps are necessary

Outlook is the e-mail program from Microsoft. With it, you can easily organize your appointments in addition to emails. If you are looking for a specific folder where you have saved your emails, there are different options available.

How to search for a folder in Outlook

In Outlook, you can choose from various functions that allow you to search for specific folders. However, if you have moved a folder to another folder, then it is not possible to find it using the conventional ways.
  1. If you are looking for a message, click on E-mail in the lower area. Enter your search term in the search box above your messages.
  2. You can display a folder overview for your mailbox in Outlook. Right-click on the mailbox and select "File Properties" and then "Folder Size". Here you can now see all folders and subfolders.
  3. To use the advanced search, click on the mailbox and press "Alt" + "Ctrl" + "Y".
  4. Now select "Search Tools" under "Search" and then "Advanced Search". Here you click on the tab "Advanced". Now you have more options under "Define additional criteria". Hier können Sie Ihre Suche nach Belieben definieren.
  5. Wenn diese Such-Funktionen nicht zum Ziel führen, können Sie auch ein Makro für die Ordnersuche erstellen.

By McHugh Wenstrand

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