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Restore Telegram Chat: How to proceed

Telegram is increasingly preferred to its big competitor WhatsApp due to its increased privacy. While it is very easy to delete chat histories on Telegram, recovering deleted messages is only straightforward in a specific case.

Under these conditions you can recover a Telegram chat

If you have deleted messages on Telegram, they can only be recovered in a specific case.
  • If you have only uninstalled the Telegram app on your phone, you can recover the chat as follows: Download the app from the iOS or Play Store and verify with the registered mobile number. When you open the app, the old chat history should be available again, except for secret chats.
  • Since Telegram, unlike WhatsApp, does not create automatic chat backups, messages and chat histories that you delete directly in the app are no longer recoverable. To avoid getting into this situation in the first place, you should archive your chats on Telegram.

Can you get back Telegram chat in other ways?

Mittlerweile gibt es zahlreiche Firmen, die damit werben, verlorengegangene Daten wiederherstellen zu können. Auch der amerikanische Dienstleister EaseUS behauptet, gelöschte Chats auf Messengern wie Telegram mit einer Datenrückholsoftware retten zu können.

By Deadman Alex

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