HOME > System software > Unpacking A Tar.gz File - These Are The Possibilities

unpacking a tar.gz file - these are the possibilities

Files ending in tar.gz are so called archive files and are included in a lot of other files. To access the files in a tar.gz file, it is necessary to unpack it beforehand. Read here how this works on Windows, Linux and on the Mac.

How to unpack tar.gz files on Windows 10

A tar.gz file is a file that contains several other files. Files in tar.gz format have been compressed and thus require significantly less storage capacity. To edit files that are in tar.gz format, it is necessary to unpack them before.
  1. If you have a Windows 10 PC, this is done with the help of software such as WinRar, which you can download for free from the Internet.
  2. After installation, tar.gz files are automatically detected and you can open them by double-clicking.
  3. If this does not work, please make a right-click on the tar.gz file and click "WinRar" under "Open with" > "Other program".
  4. If the file was opened, please click "Unpack to" in the menu bar and confirm with "OK" to unpack the tar.gz file to unpack.

unpack tar.gz files on Mac or Linux PC

Unpacking tar.gz files is also possible on the Mac and Linux. On the Mac, this is possible without installing additional software using board tools. To do this, simply double-click on the tar.gz file so that the archiving program under MacOS unpacks it. Under Linux, you must first open the terminal to unpack tar.gz files. Then change there with the cd command to the folder of the tar.gz file and unpack it by entering the command "tar -xvzf NAMEDERDATEI.tar.gz".

By Trueman

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