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What does Bluetooth mean in German?

Bluetooth is a transmission standard that is built into many devices. With it, it is possible to connect two devices wirelessly and exchange data. Bluetooth is widely used, but rarely is the origin and meaning of the name known.

This is what Bluetooth means in German

For the first time, Bluetooth was released in 1998 and introduced as a new transmission standard. However, Bluetooth did not enjoy great popularity until the introduction of the Low Energy series, as this allowed Bluetooth chips to be used in various smaller devices, such as smartwatches or other wearables. Since then, many improvements and enhancements have been added. But most importantly, the origin and exact meaning of the word "Bluetooth" is usually unknown.
  1. Bluetooth translates to "blue tooth". Der Name kommt von einem dänischen Wikingerkönig.
  2. Der König soll viele Blaubeeren gegessen haben, wodurch sich seine Zähne blau verfärbten und er damit den Namen „Blauzahn“ erhalten hat.
  3. König Harald Blåtand war der Name des Wikingers, wobei Blåtand übersetzt „Blauzahn“ heißt.
  4. The developers of Bluetooth took the king as a model, as he managed to unite without war Denmark and Norway in the 10th century.
  5. This he achieved only through his superior communication skills. Und auch Bluetooth soll als Übertragungsstandard die problemlose Kommunikation zwischen völlig verschiedenen Geräten erreichen.
  6. Zunächst wurde „Bluetooth“ lediglich als Codename für die Technik verwendet, etablierte sich danach jedoch schnell zum Markennamen des Standards.

By Carri

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