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Using Spotify offline: How it works

The offline function is an indispensable feature for many users when streaming music. The function has also long been included with Spotify. However, there are also restrictions with this streaming service that need to be taken into account. In addition, you need a paid subscription to use the function.

By using Spotify offline, you save valuable data volume on the go.

How to use Spotify offline

If you want to use Spotify's offline feature, then this is only possible if you have booked one of the paid subscriptions, either Spotify Premium or Spotify Family. With Spotify Free, the offline function is not available. However, it is possible to download podcasts on smartphones and tablets.The offline function also only works on mobile devices. There, however, you can use it in a few steps.
  • In the button next to the title of individual songs or entire albums, you will find the download function.
  • After a song has been downloaded, it is available to you offline.
  • You can open downloaded songs, however, only with Spotify.
  • If you cancel your subscription one day, you can no longer use the offline function.
  • In total, you can download tracks to a maximum of five different devices. There is also a limit of 10,000 content.
Thanks to the offline function, you have access to their favorite songs - even in places where the Internet connection is very poor or non-existent. In areas with good network coverage, you do not have to consume data volume. So the download feature is not without reason one of the most important and popular features of the app.

By Glory

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