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Apple Watch Airplane - all information

If the symbol of an airplane appears on the display of your Apple Watch, this means that the smartwatch is in flight mode. We explain which functions of the Apple Watch are not available in flight mode and how to turn it off again in our guide.

This is the meaning of the airplane icon on the Apple Watch

If you see the icon of an airplane on the display of your Apple Watch, this is the sign that flight mode is activated on the watch. When flight mode is enabled, all wireless connections such as Wi-Fi or Bluetooth are disconnected on the Apple Watch. If you have an Apple Watch Cellular with built-in cellular capability, it will also be disconnected in flight mode. Therefore, in order to make calls with your Apple Watch, exchange data via Bluetooth or surf the Internet, it is first necessary to deactivate flight mode.
  1. This can be done directly on the Apple Watch by placing a finger at the bottom of the smartwatch screen and waiting until the control center opens.
  2. In the control center, then swipe up and tap the "airplane icon" to deactivate the mode.
  3. Alternatively, a deactivation of the flight mode is also possible under "Settings" > "Flight Mode".

Flight mode on the Apple Watch: How to activate it via the iPhone

Since the Apple Watch must be paired with an iPhone to use all functions, the activation of the flight mode is also possible via the iPhone. To do this, please open the Apple Watch app on your iPhone and tap "Mirror iPhone" under "General" > "Flight Mode". Flight mode is now automatically also activated on the Apple Watch when you turn it on on your iPhone.

By Sauer Pach

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