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Mobile phone: forgotten unlock pattern - what to do?

On most cell phones, you can set up an unlock pattern to prevent other users from gaining unauthorized access to the contents of your device. However, if you have forgotten the pattern, you will no longer be able to access the data yourself. Nevertheless, there are ways to circumvent the lock.

What to do if you forget the unlock pattern of your mobile phone

With the help of an unlock pattern you have the possibility to protect the contents of your device from the access of others. However, if you have forgotten the pattern, you will not be able to access your data yourself. However, there are measures you can take to use the device again under certain circumstances.
  1. If you have an Android device with at least version 5.0, you can use and activate the Android device manager on the phone. The option can be found under "Device Administrators" > "Android Device Manager".
  2. If you subsequently forget your unlock pattern, you can access the content again via the Google service. In addition, it is possible to track down your phone at any time or delete it completely remotely.
  3. To do this, go to Google's website and log in with your account. Anschließend können Sie über die Funktion „Sperren“ Ihr Entsperrmuster zurücksetzen.
  4. Bei einem iPhone verwenden Sie hierfür die Funktionen der iCloud.
  5. Nutzen Sie keine der Funktionen, können Sie Ihr Android-Gerät auch über Ihr Google-Konto entsperren.
  6. Wenn keine der Optionen bei Ihnen funktioniert, ist nur noch das Zurücksetzen Ihres Handys möglich.

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