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Formatting business letter - how to do it

If you want to write a formal business letter that makes an appealing impression, then it is important to consider the DIN 5008 standard. This provides some rules that can be applied quickly and easily with a few simple steps.

How to format a business letter successfully

The be-all and end-all of any business letter is proper formatting, as well as consistent line spacing and font. With a few clicks you can create an appealing overall image.
  1. The easiest way to do this is to select the one of a business letter from the available templates when you open the writing program "Word", click on "Create" and then adapt it to your needs.
  2. If you would like to create your letter without a template, then start by setting the page margins. This should leave a margin of 4.5 cm at the top, while the left and bottom are 2.5 cm. On the right there are 2 cm.
  3. Now it continues with your address as well as the address of the recipient. Your address is thereby at the top left. Then enter with three lines of space the recipient's address, which may not be more than 8.5 cm wide due to the viewing window in envelopes.
  4. With another blank line of space follow right-aligned place and date.
  5. Two blank lines below the date is now your subject to the turn. Diesen können Sie entweder fetten oder minimal durch eine größere Schrift hervorheben. Mehr als zwei Zeilen und das Wort „Betreff“ sollte er jedoch nicht umfassen.
  6. Weitere zwei Leerzeilen darunter beginnt die Anrede, während eine Leerzeile später der eigentliche Text eingefügt wird.
  7. Nach diesem fügen Sie eine Leerzeile ein und verfassen die Grußformel.
  8. Lassen Sie nun drei Leerzeilen frei für Ihre Unterschrift.
  9. Etwaige Anlagen werden eine Leerzeile darunter erwähnt.

By Tamah Slocum

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